My name is Lee Hutch and I am a Half A$$ Historian. I have a Bachelor's Degree in History from Sam Houston State University (Eat Em Up Kats!) and a Masters Degree in History from the University of Houston Clear Lake. In April of 2016, I completed my second Masters Degree in Criminal Justice from Saint Leo University. I've done quite a bit in my life. I've worked as an editor, a firefighter, and a police officer. I specialized in arson investigation. Prior to my back injury that is. At the time, I had just reached the position I had aspired to ever since I started working. Funny how life happens that way. My injury was significant enough that it prevents me from working in law enforcement ever again. Now I eek out a meagre living by teaching at two community colleges. My life took a very different and unexpected turn, but I'm okay with it. Mainly because I don't really have a choice. I may not be where I wanted to be but I am where I need to be. Luckily, I am married to a wonderful wife (who happens to be a hot redhead) who helps take care of me. I have a son from a previous marriage and I also have five cats. I LOVE cats!

The aforementioned redhead and I.
I do not call myself a professor, even though that is technically my title. I consider myself a teacher. Why? It is simple really. I teach. I do not profess. And I don't even know how well I do that. But I try. I'm still adjusting to a lost career and a life of pain, but I make due. I don't teach for the paycheck, I do it for the students in my classes. They mean more to me than they will ever know.
Lee Hutch is my
nom de plume or perhaps to be more accurate
nom de guerre.
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